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A Culture of Leadership

Melbourne Grammar School has always been associated with a traditional notion of leadership. It is an educational institution that produces young men and women who go on to lead in a variety of fields including business, politics and sport.

The School has also long been at the forefront of education, constantly exploring opportunities to arm all its students with life skills that will help them to be successful in whatever path they choose. Through this process the School has come to recognise that leadership is not reserved for the select few. All of its students have the capacity to lead in their own way, and equipping students with the skills of leadership is now an established part of the Melbourne Grammar curriculum.
In recent years a different notion of leadership has emerged. ‘Leadership for the 21st Century’ requires people who work with different insights, relationships, skills and dispositions. Today’s business leaders are calling for new leadership. The capabilities employers need in the future include interpersonal skills, oral communication, problem solving, teamwork, conflict resolution, critical and creative thinking and listening. Communities now demand leaders who are inclusive, who encourage broad participation and who are experts in their chosen fields.

This new notion of leadership is called small ‘l’ leadership. At Melbourne Grammar, we believe that everyone can lead, that leadership begins with the leadership of self, and that leading from within is something we can and should all do. Leadership is a way of thinking, learning and behaving rather than holding a particular office.

At Melbourne Grammar School we are building a culture of leadership. The School is pioneering the teaching of leadership, making it an integral part of the curriculum for Years 6 to 11. In addition we ensure that all staff have an understanding of leadership, see themselves as leaders and promote leadership in their students.

The new Nigel Peck Centre for Learning and Leadership is where learning and leadership come together. The Centre is our students’ gateway to information, knowledge and the world. It will in time revolutionise teaching methods, integrating technology to move students and staff effortlessly from the local to the global way of thinking. The Centre will also be the venue for an annual series of lectures and seminars on leadership for our teachers, parents and the wider community.

At Melbourne Grammar School we believe everyone has the capacity for leadership. Our students are guided on a journey of self-discovery, to build ‘a positive sense of self’ and encourage others to view themselves as leaders. Melbourne Grammar’s 10 values represent deeply held beliefs that underpin and provide guiding principles for the School community. Through the application and appreciation of our values, the students learn leadership in order to succeed in life.


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