teaching & working at mgs


Teaching and Working at Melbourne Grammar School

Staff at Melbourne Grammar benefit from a professional atmosphere which has developed over 150 years. The School's reputation for strong scholarship and its ability to move with the times have attracted the finest teachers in Australia and from overseas.

Schools like ours are learning institutes where staff model the learning they promote in their classrooms. Teachers are encouraged to continue their professional learning through a generous Professional Development program. An annual performance review gives staff members the opportunity to develop their professional learning plans and to analyse the effectiveness of their classroom practice. There are numerous opportunities to attend local, national and international conferences or workshops. Melbourne Grammar School provides on-campus access to consultants in eLearning, thinking skills, intellectual character, talent development and learning strategies with further opportunities to upgrade teaching skills, sporting skills or first aid qualifications.

Our staff enjoys the opportunity to participate in students' overseas trips, cultural visits or adventure camps. Many perform in music ensembles or the orchestra. Others involve themselves in professional organisations, often as examiners or office bearers. Where possible, Melbourne Grammar School encourages teachers to move beyond the School to keep well informed of the current educational climate.

Academic staff enjoys a collegiality and a level of professionalism which attracts educators who are dedicated to the pursuit of excellence.

Employment News

Information regarding working in Australian Independent Schools can be found via the Association of Independent Schools of Victoria Inc. (AISV) website

As educators the staff at Melbourne Grammar play a key role in fostering a smooth transition between the different levels of the School and in preparing our students for a full and rewarding life in the adult world.

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