

June, 2008

Melbourne Grammar appoints leading educator as fourteenth Headmaster

Melbourne Grammar School Council today announced the appointment of Mr Roy Kelley as the School’s fourteenth Headmaster following an extensive international search.

51-year old Mr Kelley will take up his appointment in April 2009, when Headmaster Paul Sheahan retires after nearly 14 years of outstanding service at the helm of Melbourne Grammar.

Mr Kelley migrated to Australia from England at the age of seven and was educated in Perth. He has had a distinguished career in education, teaching in Australia and overseas, most recently as Headmaster of King’s College in Auckland since 2003.

Roy Kelley

Apart from a 12-month period at Sherborne School in England, Mr Kelley taught for 23 years at Hale School in Perth, holding the position of Deputy Headmaster from 1995-2002.

Mr Kelley holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Western Australia, a Diploma of Education, and a Master of Education (Management).

Melbourne Grammar School Council Chairman Sandy Clark said Mr Kelley had been selected from a very strong group of candidates.

“We are particularly impressed by Roy Kelley’s vision for education, the importance he places on attracting, developing and inspiring outstanding staff, and his demonstrated belief in the development of each individual student,” said Mr Clark.

Mr Kelley said he was extremely honoured to accept the role of Headmaster of one of Australia’s leading schools and was looking forward to taking up his appointment next April.

“I am passionate about rigour and high achievement in schools in particular, and I believe the fundamental attribute of any school is defined by the quality of human relationships that exist within it.  When such relationships are positive, and pastoral care at all levels of the institution is strong, the school will thrive.

“I am a strong supporter in the development of a holistic education for students in which the academic, cultural, social, physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions of life are provided in a balanced educational context,” he said.

Mr Kelley comes to the role with a wide range of community interests including a love for, and strong commitment to, the arts. He is also a keen sportsman, having played soccer for Western Australia as a junior and coached various football, cricket and basketball teams throughout his teaching career.

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