

Grammar News

Grammar News is the School's main means of communication with its community. It is mailed to current, past and future parents, Old Melburnians and friends of the School.

The editor welcomes news, contributions and copy. To forward information, photographs or to receive a copy of Grammar News please email the editor at:

Current Edition

Edition No.96 - June 2008

This edition of Grammar News documents the first half of the School’s Sesquicentenary celebrations, with coverage of events including the Celebration Ball, the Whole School Service in St Paul’s Cathedral and the Talents Committed Exhibition. The centre-spread highlights the official opening of The Nigel Peck Centre for Learning and Leadership by the Hon John Brumby, MP, Premier of Victoria on 7 April 2008.

Also in this edition: Branches & Reunions, Community News and reports from the Headmaster, School Council and the Presidents of The Old Melburnians and Friends of Grammar.

To have a copy of the latest edition of Grammar News mailed to you email:

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