

Melbourne Grammar School Sesquicentenary - 150 years

Melbourne Grammar School was founded on 7 April 1858 and will celebrate its Sesquicentenary in 2008.

The Sesquicentenary Steering Committee, under the leadership of School Council member Peter Beaumont, has been meeting for some time and has planned an exciting program of events for this most important celebration of our history.

The committee believes that it is important that the Grammar community celebrates the achievements of Old Melburnians since the School's foundation. During the Sesquicentenary year, it is proposed, as a highlight of wide range of activities, to honour and profile 150 notable Old Melburnians.

For further information about the celebratory program, please contact Kat Brennand via or phone +61 3 9865 7555.

Whole School Photo
Tuesday 11 March

Over 2000 staff and students will be captured in this historic photo, commemorating 150 years of Melbourne Grammar School.
Sesquicentenary Service at St Paul's Cathedral
Thursday 13 March
This event will mark special tribute to Melbourne Grammar School's Anglican foundations. All students will attend.
Centre for Learning and Leadership: Preview for Parents
Friday 29 February

Foundation Day and Formal Opening of the Centre for Learning and Leadership
Monday 7 April

Centre for Learning and Leadership: Open Day for the local community
Saturday 12 April

The opening of the Centre will feature of number of events to thank donors and patrons, as well as allow parents and the general public to view the Centre, culminating in the official opening on Foundation Day, Monday 7 April 2008.

The Foundation Day ceremony will feature students from all three campuses, as well as a special reenactment of the first School Assembly.


Members of the wider community are invited to take an informal tour of The Nigel Peck Centre for Learning and Leadership from 10am until 12 noon on Saturday 12 April 2008.

Sesquicentenary "Talents Committed" Exhibition
Friday 18 July to
Friday 15 August
The Talents Commited exhibition of 150 notable Old Melburnians is currently on display at Grimwade House, in the Alfred Felton Hall.
Sesquicentenary ANZAC Day Service
Monday 28 April
The annual ANZAC Service will feature a planting of trees budded from the original Lone Pine planted in memory of those lost during World War One.
Sesquicentenary Celebration Ball
Saturday 10 May
The Sesquicentenary Celebration Ball is a celebratory event to commemorate Melbourne Grammar School's strong tradition. The evening will feature a keynote address by a prominent speaker and showcase the School in a series of presentations and performances.
Sesquicentenary Old Melburnians Dinner
Friday 13 June
The annual Old Melburnian Dinner will take on a special atmosphere during the Sesquicentenary year.
Sesquicentenary Rugby Tournament
Sunday 6 July -
Saturday 12 July
The Sesquicentenary Rugby Tournament is a celebration of the contribution of sport, in particular Rugby, to a boy’s school life. An international contingent of Rugby teams from schools in New Zealand, United Kingdom, Sri Lanka and Japan will play in the tournament along with MGS, Scotch, Shore and the Hutchins School from Tasmania.
Youth Leadership Conference: Framing the Future
Monday 28 July -
Wednesday 30 July
This 3-day conference will feature a series of keynote addresses and workshops by experts in the field across diverse topics such as the environment, indigenous cultures, technology, poverty and depression. Aimed at all Year 10 students at Melbourne Grammar School, Year 10 students will also attend from Melbourne Girls Grammar School, and other state and private schools in Victoria and Australia.

Confirmed speakers include Tim Costello, CEO, World Vision Australia, Aboriginal Leader Pat Dodson and Dr David Wright-Neville, former senior intelligence analyst for the Australian government and Associate Professor at Monash University.
Sesquicentenary of Football Dinner
Thursday 7 August
The first ever recorded game of Australian Rules Football was between Melbourne Grammar and Scotch College on 7 August 1858. Since that time the two schools have played annually for the Cordner Eggleston Cup named after Dr Don Cordner (Melbourne Grammar) and Michael Eggleston (Scotch College) to honour the two outstanding sportsmen. In recognition of this long history, a combined MGS and Scotch team of the century will be announced at the dinner the night before the game.
Cordner Eggleston Cup Football Match
Friday 8 August
The Cordner Eggleston Cup Football match will be the curtain raiser for the Melbourne and Geelong game at the MCG.
Sesquicentenary School Concert
Tuseday 2 September
A whole school concert involving choirs and instrumental groups from Grimwade House, Wadhurst and Senior School.
The Big 150
Saturday 22 November
This whole school event will have a festival atmosphere where the school community, their families and friends will gather to celebrate the last 150 years. With special guest appearances, entertainment, food - this will be the big event that all community members will want to attend. Proceeds of the event will be donated to student run environmental group SLIC (Sustainable Living Improvement Committee).


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