about us


Friends of Grammar

Friends of Grammar, the School's parent group, is a valued and vital part of the School community.

FOG, as it is affectionately known, provides vast amounts of energy, expertise and resources for the School. It helps parents get to know each other and provides support when it is needed.

The purposes of the Friends of Grammar are to:

  • encourage parents and guardians of students to become involved in the School's activities
  • promote goodwill amongst parents and teachers
  • raise money to be applied for the purposes of the School
Friends of Grammar is the current parent group, guardians and staff; that is:

  • all parents and guardians of current students
  • the Headmaster and his partner
  • the Heads of Grimwade House, Wadhurst and the Senior School and their partners
  • the teachers and staff of the school
FOG Senior School
FOG Wadhurst
FOG Grimwade House

To view the MGS Booking Terms and Conditions please click here.


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