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Music, Drama, Visual Arts and Sport

In parallel with a strong academic focus, music, arts, drama and sport are integral to a diverse and enriching education at Melbourne Grammar School. Arts and sports programs, both curricular and co-curricular, cater for all levels of ability but also offer pathways for gifted students to excel.

The emphasis for young girls and boys at junior primary level is on participation, interacting with each other and having fun. Older students build on this, acquiring skills and gaining confidence. They learn to understand the importance of team work, taking risks and making mistakes in safe environments, resilience, integrity, achievement, expressing themselves in different ways and the joy and fulfilment this brings.

Music is a key feature in and out of class. The School offers music scholarships to students with outstanding ability. Large numbers of students from Prep to Year 12 join choirs, bands, jazz or string ensembles and a wide range of classical trios and quartets.

Melbourne Grammar's highly acclaimed Symphony Orchestra tours internationally each year and has performed in Edinburgh, Venice, Hobart, Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore, Rotorua and the Royal Academy of Music in London.

Sport is considered an essential part of each student's overall development and is compulsory. Melbourne Grammar takes part in Associated Public Schools (APS) competition. Other competitions include snow sports and rugby union. For many of our students, school sport is a springboard to success in a wider arena.

Our students are encouraged to take part in regular plays and musical productions, either on stage, writing, producing or directing, backstage with lighting or sound or making costumes and props. Senior School has four major dramatic productions each year, all performed with girls from Melbourne Girls Grammar School.

Creative Art teachers foster not just skills in the making of visual art, but those that will help in all walks of life. For some, studying art will leave a lasting appreciation of art and a means of interpreting cultures more widely. For many others, art at Melbourne Grammar is the beginning of lifelong professional engagement as architects, artists, graphic designers, art historians, curators, interior designers, gallery directors, filmmakers, web designers, fashion designers and industrial designers.

The School has its own creative arts complex at Motor Works, with an exhibition gallery, drawing studios, darkroom and printmaking, woodworking, ceramics and computer graphics equipment.


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