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VCE Results 2006

Congratulations to the 2006 VCE students on their excellent results and many achievements in academic, cultural, sporting and other endeavours throughout their time at Melbourne Grammar School. Our VCE results are provided below:

  • 45.7% of our students are in the top 10% in the state/nation with an ENTER* of 90 or above
  • 32.2% of students attained an ENTER of 95 or above. This means that 64 of our students are in the top 5% in the state/nation
  • 24 students attained an ENTER of 99 or above. Therefore 12.1% of our students are in the top 1% of the state/nation
  • The Melbourne Grammar School median ENTER for 2006 is 88.8
  • 2 students achieved the maximum possible ENTER of 99.95
  • 3 students achieved an ENTER of 99.9
  • 16 students achieved 17 Study Scores of 50 out of 50 in 7 individual studies
All our Year 12 students have been awarded the Victorian Certificate of Education and are to be congratulated on their results and efforts during the year.

Once again this year Melbourne Grammar students have performed admirably in their Year 12 studies and we offer them our sincere congratulations.

The results are the culmination of many years of preparation and cooperative effort between staff and students. We ask a great deal of our students and they have responded in the best possible way. We are delighted with these results.

- Paul Sheahan, Headmaster

* The Equivalent National Tertiary Entrance Rank (ENTER) indicates an individual ranking against all others in Australia who finished or would have finished their secondary education in 2006.


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